HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 10 (1998 Spring)
From Validation to Celebration,an Analysis of the Structural Changes to Science Articles which Occur with the Genre Shift in Popularisation of Science Research
Alice Sinclair
10 pages
Translating Vision into Reality through a Collaborative Approach to Teacher Development
Gertrude Tinker Sachs And Tony Mahon
58 pages
Departmental Publication List and Order Form
6 pages
The Department of English,City University of Hong Kong
1 page
2 pages
An Analysis of Communication Patterns and Management Systems in Transitioning Hong Kong Manufacturing Firms
Bertha Du-Babcock And Richard D. Babcock
45 pages
English in Hong Kong and the Reversion to Chinese Sovereignty
John Flowerdew
44 pages
Code-switching and Social Changes in Guangzhou and Hong Kong
Yuling Pan
35 pages
The Links Between Learner Beliefs,Teacher Beliefs,and EFL Proficiency
Matt Peacock
35 pages
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