HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2002 Autumn)
Special Dossier: Communication Theories in Action Betty Lee,guest editor
untitled pages
The Discourse of Retrocession: Identity Politics and Hong Kong's Return to Chinese Sovereignty
John Flowerdew
20 pages
Reading in English as a Favourite Pastime in Hong Kong
Gertrude Tinker Sachs
31 pages
Language Use and Language Shift in Two Hong Kong Indian Communities
Champa Detaramani And Graham Lock
22 pages
Why the Twain Don't Meet: On the Conceptual Evolution of Public and Private,Gong (?) and Si (?)
David C. S. Li
15 pages
A Holistic Framework of Instructional Design for Performance Improvement
Saul Carliner
24 pages
A Sociolinguistic Study of a Hong Kong Chinese Community in Britain
Sherman Lee
19 pages
Introduction: Theorizing Communication Endeavors
Betty Lee
3 pages
Theories and Perspectives in Information Design
Timothy Boswood
5 pages
Theories and Perspectives in Intercultural Communication
Ken Hyland
3 pages
Theories and Perspectives in Community Empowerment
Rodney Jones
6 pages
Theories and Perspectives in Media and Cultural Studies
John Nguyet Erni
15 pages
An Overview of Public Relations: What It Is,When It Is Needed,Why It Is Used and How to Analyze It
Anne Peirson-Smith
8 pages
Theories and Perspectives in Crisis Communication
Betty Lee
5 pages
Notes on contributors
3 pages
Notes for contributors
1 page
Departmental Publications List
2 pages
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