HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 3 (1964 )
1 page
T.C. Cheng
1 page
Geographical Evaluation of Wu-kung Hsien Chih and Chao-I Hsien Chih 「武功縣志」和「朝邑縣志」的地理學評價
Chen Cheng-siang 陳正祥
7 pages
Amendments to Earlier Studies of Chinese Fiction 論近人研究中國小說之得失
Liu Ts'un-yan 柳存仁
23 pages
A Comprehensive Interpretation of Double-words in the Book of Poetry 毛詩重言通釋
Lee Yun-kwong 李雲光
34 pages
Notes on Han Fei Tsu in Part 韓非子選釋初稿
Li Ba-ming 李伯鳴
76 pages
Essays of Ming and Ching Dynasties 明清間的小品文
Cheung Tou-heng 張斗衡
20 pages
The Early Chinese Emigration to America and the Angel's Treaties 早期華人移美及「安吉立條約」之簽訂
Lee Din-yi 李定一
29 pages
A Study of Shih Ma-chien 司馬遷思想研究
Lau Wai-man 劉偉民
146 pages
On The Eunuch Problem of the Ming Dynasty 論明代之宦禍
Chiu Ling-yang 趙令揚
34 pages
Price Determination in Theory and Practice 價格決定之理論與實施
Sutu Hsin 司徒新
30 pages
Wesley C. Mitchell's Business Cycle Theory and Its Effects 米哲爾氏經濟循環理論及其影響
Chen Ping-chuan 陳炳權
67 pages
Economic Welfare and Market Economy 經濟福利與市場經濟
Li Fang-heng 李方衡
47 pages
Two Poems 詩兩首
A.H. Lee 李慶雲
1 page
Nostomo: Its Significance and Structure 康拉德之洛斯卓莫﹕其重要性與結構
Jennie Huie 許麗清
13 pages
The Everlasting Woe (Ch'ang Hen Ko) 長恨歌
Jen Tai 白居易作,任泰譯
7 pages
Der Dichter Hermann B R O C H und die Entwicklung des Modernen Romans 詩人卜荷哈曼與現代小說之發展
Walter Sommer 蘇華特
5 pages
Social Disorganization at the Group Level--A Role Theory Approach 從社群中研究社會解組之因素
F. L. Bates And H.L. Nix 貝茲,李克
15 pages
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