HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 4 No. 1 & 2 (1996 )
Acknowledgement 鳴謝
1 page
Guidelines for Authors
1 page
Theory and Research in Counselling 輔導理論與研究
untitled pages
Applying Cognitive-Behavioural Approach in an Anger Management Group for Aggressive Children
Kit Man Tsang,Suk Yin Fu
16 pages
Directive Group Therapy for Form Five Repeaters 中五重讀生的直示性小組輔導
Hing Chung Chow
10 pages
The Concept of Total Home -- School Cooperation 整全性家庭與學校合作的理念
16 pages
Counselling in Cases of Sexual Harassment: Relevant Issues and Clinical Strategies 性騷擾輔導個案:有關課題與臨床策略
Ursula M. Wilder
12 pages
Counselling and Native Healing 輔導和土著式治療
Michael P.J. McIntyre
14 pages
Focus Group Study on Adolescents' Responses to Interparental Conflicts 父母之間爭執對青少年的影響──聚焦小組研究
Ka Ching Yeung
11 pages
Managing Stress - The Use of a Coping-rest Model and Cognitive-behavioural Techniques in a Group Setting 處理壓力──小組中應用減壓模式及認知─行為輔導技巧
Daniel F.K. Wong
11 pages
Issues and Comments 問題與評論
untitled pages
Meeting the Unmet Needs: Strategies to Meet Expressed Concern of Single-parents 滿足需要:面對單身父母關注事項的策略
Fanny W.C.L. Liu
8 pages
Extramarital Affairs: Counselling of the Noninvolved Spouse 輔導非涉及婚外情的配偶
Phoebe Chan
9 pages
Counselling in Practice 輔導實踐
untitled pages
The Thirteen Dos and Don'ts in Counselling the Elderlies 知己知彼老年輔導十三誡
11 pages
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