HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2000)
Special Topic: Counselling Chinese: A Collectivistic Orientation 專題:中國人的輔導工作:群體主義導向
untitled pages
Reaction Paper 回應文章
untitled pages
Experience Sharing Forum 經驗分享論壇
untitled pages
Editorial 編輯的話
untitled pages
Counseling in the Chinese Cultural Context: Accommodating Both Individualistic and Collectivistic Values 以中國文化為基礎的心理輔導:兼顧個人主義和群體主義的價值觀 (以英文撰寫)
Changming Duan,Lizhao Wang 段昌明、王力釗
21 pages
Counseling Chinese Peoples: Perspectives of Filial Piety 從孝道觀點看對中國人的輔導 (以英文撰寫)
Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan 關光濂
19 pages
Practicing Counseling in Chinese Communities: Some Reflections on Cultural Competence and Indigenization 在中國人社群推展輔導工作:對文化能力和本色化的反省 (以英文撰寫)
Patrick S. Y. Lau 劉兆瑛
10 pages
What Good Will Five Stamps Do? (in Chinese) 五個印花可以換甚??
Shiu Ling-po 蕭寧波
11 pages
Brief Intervention for School Problems: A Practical Approach for Hong Kong Teachers 從實用取向探討香港教師處理校內學生問題的簡易介入模式 (以英文撰寫)
David W. Chan 陳維鄂
19 pages
A Content Analysis of Asian Journal of Counselling,1992-1999 《亞洲輔導學報》(1992-1999)之內容分析(以英文撰寫)
S,Alvin Leung 梁湘明
10 pages
Guidelines for Authors 稿例
1 page
Subscription form 訂購表格
1 page
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