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> Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2003)
Special Issue: Ethical Practice of Counseling in Asia 專輯:亞洲輔導專業道德守則的實踐
Guest Editor: Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan 專輯主編:關光濂
untitled pages
Reaction Paper 回應文章
untitled pages
The Ethical Practice of Counseling in Asia: An Introduction to the Special Issue of Asian Journal of Counselling 亞洲輔導專業道德守則的實踐:《亞洲輔導學報》專輯引言 (以英文撰寫)
Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan 關光濂
10 pages
Reconstructing the Ethics of Counseling in the Taiwan/Ethnic Chinese Social Context (in Chinese) 重建台灣/華人諮商倫理的文化思考
Ping-Hwa Chen 陳秉華
22 pages
Licensure and the Ethical Practice of Counseling in Singapore 新加坡心理諮商的道德問題:執照制度的重要性 (以英文撰寫)
Li-Hwa Chong & Rosaleen Ow 張麗花、Rosaleen Ow
17 pages
Counselor Competence and the Ethical Practice of Counseling in Korea 韓國的諮商專業倫理與諮商者能力的議題 (以英文撰寫)
Younnjung Gong 孔允貞
20 pages
Ethical Counseling Practice: A Survey of Counseling Teachers in Hong Kong Secondary Schools 切合倫理的輔導實踐:香港中學輔導老師的調查研究 (以英文撰寫)
S. Alvin Leung,Thomas Kin-Man Leung & Ella Po-On Chan 梁湘明、梁健文、陳寶安
24 pages
Multiple/Dual Relationships in Counseling: Implications for the Asian Context 心理輔導中的雙重/多重關係:對亞洲文化的啟示 (以英文撰寫)
Doris S. Mok 莫瑞英
31 pages
The Ethical Practice of Counseling: What Clients in Asia Ought to know About Counseling 亞洲輔導專業道德守則的實踐:亞洲地區接受輔導者須知 (以英文撰寫)
Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan 關光濂
7 pages
The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association: The Code of Conduct 香港輔導專業協會專業守則(以英文撰寫)
6 pages
Call for Papers 徵稿
1 page
Guidelines for Authors 稿例
1 page
Subscription Form 訂購表格
1 page
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