Digital Initiatives
> Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2003)
Theoretical and Issues Forum 輔導理論與課題論壇
untitled pages
Parent Education: Revision and Vision 家長教育:修訂與前瞻 (以英文撰寫)
Ching-Man Lam 林靜雯
22 pages
Multicultural Considerations in Counseling Chinese Clients: Introducing the Narrative Alternative 華人輔導及多元文化:「敘事治療」是另一選擇?(以英文撰寫)
David W. Chan 陳維鄂
24 pages
The Development of Counselor Education in Turkey: Current Status and Future Challenges 土耳其輔導教育的發展:現況及展望 (以英文撰寫)
Galip Yuksel Galip Yuksel
22 pages
What You Get Is Not What You Want: Extinction and Shaping (in Chinese) 適得其反:論消減與塑形
Ling-Po Shiu 蕭寧波
19 pages
Editorial 編輯跋語
untitled pages
Counseling Training in Hong Kong: Challenges and Possibilities 香港的輔導培訓:挑戰與機遇 (以英文撰寫)
S. Alvin Leung 梁湘明
14 pages
Guidelines for Authors 稿例
1 page
Subscription Form 訂購表格
1 page
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