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Journal of Primary Education 初等教育學報
Vol. 6 No. 1&2 (1996 May)
Beyond the Ideology of School-based Teacher Training 超越校本師訓的意識形態(英文)
11 pages
Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Reflective Teaching: An Exploratory Study of Level of Reflectivity 職前教師對反思教學的感知﹕反思水平的初步探究(英文)
LEE Chi Kin,WONG Ka Ming 李子建?黃家鳴
12 pages
Using the L1 Sensibly in English Language Classrooms 母語在英語課堂內之運用(英文)
LAI Mee Ling 黎美玲
9 pages
A Study on the Chinese Language Proficiency of Chinese Language Teachers in Primary Schools (in Chinese) 香港小學中文科教師中文能力研究
HO Wai Kit,FAN Kwok 何偉傑?范國
10 pages
Teacher Education as an `Enabling Process' (in Chinese) 作為「啟蒙過程」的師資培訓
LO Mun Ling,Nancy LAW 盧敏玲?羅陸慧英
8 pages
School Building and Extra-Curricular Activities - A Research on Old Estate Schools (in Chinese) 校舍與課外活動--舊型屋村小學之研究
YU Heung Chin 余向前
10 pages
View of Teachers and Parents on the Writing of Hong Kong Primary Pupils (in Chinese) 教師和家長對香港小學生寫作情況的看法
KWAN Che Ying 關之英
8 pages
An Analysis of Preschool Mathematics Teaching in China and Hong Kong - Implications from an Innovation in Curriculum (in Chinese) 中?港學前數學教學的問題分析--從一項教學改革中獲得的啟示
CHENG Zi Juan,HAU Kit Tai 成子娟?侯傑泰
6 pages
Technology in the General Studies Syllabus for Hong Kong Primary Schools 小學常識科的科技教育(英文)
Yvonne Y.H. FUNG 馮施鈺珩
8 pages
A Study on the Assessment of Chinese Students' Writing Ability (in Chinese) 中國學生作文能力測評研究
ZHU Xinhua 祝新華
7 pages
Editorial 編者語
1 page
Towards Liberalisation and Excellence: Teacher Education Reforem and Development in Tai Wan (in Chinese) 開放與卓越--台灣師資培育的改革與發展
OU Yung Sheng 歐用生
10 pages
The Highly Qualified Teacher's Training for China's Basic Education in the 21st Century (in Chinese) 中國面向二十一世紀基礎教育優秀教師之培訓
CHEN Yongming 陳永明
7 pages
Principles for Redesigning Teacher Education 革新教師教育的原則(英文)
Alan TOM
9 pages
Role of the Mentor in the Preservice and Inservice Education of Teacher (in Chinese) 導師在教師職前及在職教育的作用(英文)
8 pages
The Implications of Implementing the Target Oriented Curriculum (TOC) for Teacher Education (in Chinese) 實施「目標為本課程」對教師教育的啟示(英文)
CHEUNG Wai Wan 張惠雲
8 pages
An Impact of Teaching Practice: Perceptions of Teacher Competence among Student-teachers 教師實習對師範生自覺教師勝任度的影響(英文)
SO Wing Mui,CHENG May Hung,TSANG Chiao Liang 蘇詠梅?鄭美紅?曾昭亮
12 pages
Present Practices,Future Discourses: Addressing Context and Relevancy of Contemporary Professional Practice 現行體制與未來之取向﹕現代體育教學的架構與相關內容(英文)
9 pages
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