HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 2 (1963 )
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1 page
A Typographical Study of some Popular Novels in Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties 論明清中國通俗小說之板本
Liu Tsun-Yan 柳存仁
36 pages
The Lives and Theories of Seven Pioneer American Sociologists 美國七大先進社會學者之生平與學說
Chia-Chien Hu 胡家健
68 pages
On the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸辨
Koa Ming 高明
55 pages
The Slave" System of Yin,Chow Ch'in and Han Dynasties" 殷周秦漢的奴婢制度
Lau Wai Man 劉偉民
101 pages
References to Chinese Theatre in An Ambassy to China"" 出使中國記之戲劇史資料
Yao Hsin Nung 姚莘農
19 pages
Shui Hsin Lou Causeries on Tz'u 水心樓詞話
Cheng Shui Sum 鄭水心
52 pages
Influx of Chinese Culture into Japan During Sui and Tang Dynasties 隋唐文化東流考略
Kan Chia Hsing 甘家馨
51 pages
Han fei and his Thoughts 韓非及其學術思想
Lee Ba Ming 李伯鳴
57 pages
A Survey of General Education 通才教育概觀
P. C. Chen 陳炳權
95 pages
International Obstacles to Economic Development 經濟發展之國際障礙
Chu Ping - Nan 朱炳南
20 pages
Five Poems 英文詩五首
Jen Tai 任泰
3 pages
The Expedition Memorial of Chu-Ko Liang 諸葛亮出師表
Jen Tai 任泰
6 pages
Orlando 武爾佛之奧蘭多
Jennie Huie 許麗清
16 pages
Whither Hong Kong's Industry 香港工業之展望
H. Sutu 司徒新
25 pages
Psychology and the Liberal Arts Program 心理學與通才課程
Eileen K. Dodd 艾玲杜德
18 pages
The American Economy: An Evaluation and A prediction 美國經濟之評價與推測
J. H. Dodd 詹姆士杜德
21 pages
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