HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 6 (1967 )
(Articles in Chinese)
untitled pages
I. Feature Articles (一) 專題論著
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An Interpretation of Oracle Bone Inscriptions Concerning Fox-Hunting by King Hsin of Yin Dynasty 殷帝辛田雞獲?解
Lee Yim 李棪
6 pages
A Study on the Engraving Knife for Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Yin Dynasty 殷代刻字刀的推測
Chou Hung-hsiang 周鴻翔
36 pages
The Formation and Development of Federal Government Systems in Chinese History 中國聯邦制度的形成及其在歷史上的發展
Lau Wai-man 劉偉民
39 pages
The Educational Function of Chinese Literature 中國文學的教育作用
Wong Mang-khui 黃孟駒
9 pages
A Comprehensive Interpretation of Double-Words in the Book of Poetry (Part IV) 毛詩重言通釋(四) 微部第九祭部第十
Lee Yun-kuang 李雲光
27 pages
II. Book Reviews & Study Notes (二) 書評 札記
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On Ko Mo-jo's Study of the Bronze Inscriptions "?兄六品" on Pao's Wine Vessel" 保卣「征兄六品」郭鼎堂說商榷
Sheung Chung-ho 常宗豪
4 pages
Study Notes on the Works of Various Philosophers 校書堂札迻
Yuen Ting-cheuk 阮廷焯
7 pages
Reviews on Lee Yim's Collection of Rare Books 讀明季史籍跋文
Lee Yim 李棪
3 pages
III. Special Contributions (三) 特約撰述
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A Textual Criticism of Huai Nan Tzu (淮南子) 讀淮南鴻烈解校記
D. C. Lau 劉殿爵
50 pages
Chinese Influence in Southeast Asia during the Ming Dynasty 記明代中國人在東南亞之勢力
Chiu Ling-yeung 趙令揚
16 pages
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Rhythmic Techniques in the Potery of Wen I-to 聞一多詩之音節技巧
Patricia Uberoi
25 pages
Goethe's "Chinese-German Book of Seasons and Hours" and "Worldliterature" 從哥德抒情詩「中德的季節與時間」探討其對於世界文學的觀點
U. C. Fischer
8 pages
Quantitative Analysis in Urban Geography: An Appraisal 評定量分析在都市地理中的價值
5 pages
Investigation Into Some Aspects of Fluvial Morphology of A Few Sample Streams in the Central Basin of Tennessee 以田納西中央盆地之河流樣本,研究洞谷形態與岩石之關係
Fong Lee Mo Kwan 方李慕坤
37 pages
A Geomorphological Appreciation of Oswego Quadrangle,New York State 柯斯維哥圖內所示地形評識
Sum Kong Sut 岑鋼實
16 pages
Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in Hydatidiform Mole 葡萄胎中之乳鹽脫氬?
L. Ma & Wai-ching Lee 馬臨,李惠清
3 pages
Lu Ch'ung 盧充(搜神記卷十六)
P. C. Yao 干寶原著,姚柏春譯
4 pages
Some Notes on Repressed Inflation: A Suggested Interpretation of Money and Prices in Communist China,1950-57 論潛伏性通貨膨脹─兼論一九五0至一九五七年中共之物價與金融
Y. C. Jao 饒餘慶
16 pages
Some Traditional Chinese Ideas and Conceptions in Hong Kong Social Life Today (Book Review) 香港現代社會生活中的傳統中國思想(書評)
S. S. Hsueh 薛壽生
1 page
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