HKUL > Digital Initiatives > Hong Kong Journals Online
Vol. 8 (1970 )
(Articles in Chinese)
untitled pages
On the Historical Finds and Their Comparison with Extant Classic Texts 地下資料與書本資料的參互研究
F. K. Chou 周法高
13 pages
On the Nature of Ku-Huan's Annotations on the Book of Lao Tse" (Tao Tsang Edition)" 論道藏本顧歡注老子之性質
C. Y. Liu 柳存仁
14 pages
On the Character (妥) 妥字說
Lung Tu Chi Yung 杜其容
8 pages
On Some Yin-Chou Inscribed Bronzes Recently Retrieved from Junk Piles 廢銅堆中發現殷周彝銘集錄
Y. Lee 李棪
26 pages
A Drunkard--A short story 醉鬼(短篇創作)
Li Hui Ying 李輝英
8 pages
untitled pages
Political Apathy and the Political System in Hong Kong 香港政制與香港人的政治冷感
Aline K. Wong 黃簡麗中
20 pages
The Theory of Attitude Formation and Change and its Application to Social Group Work 態度形成與變化論及其在社會小組工作上的應用
John F. Jones
8 pages
Local Government and National Development in South-East Asia 東南亞各國的地方政府及國家發展
S. S. Hsueh 薛壽生
11 pages
Hermann Hesse and China 1. Chinese Influence in the Earlier Works of the German Poet 德國詩人赫估早期作品受中國的影響
Peter Heinz Herzog
10 pages
Goethe's and Delacroix' Conception of the Devil as a late example of 'UT Pictura Poesis' 試以歌德與德拉克洛的作品為例並從美學觀點論文學與繪畫間的短長之爭
Uve C. Fischer
13 pages
Andrew John Herberston (1865-1915) and the Natural Regions 許伯信(一八六五至一九一五)與自然區域
Sum Kong-sut 岑鋼實
22 pages
Hung Jen-kan,Prime Minister of the Taiping Kingdom and his Modernization Plans 太平天國洪王的政制改良計劃
S. Y. Teng 鄧嗣禺
9 pages
Chang Ping-lin (1869-1936): His Life and Career 章炳麟傳記
Leung Man-kam 梁文金
12 pages
An Analysis of LC Classification A Practical Guide 美國國會圖書館分類法疏証
Liu Ching 劉清
16 pages
Library of Congress Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification: A Comparison 美國國會圖書館分類法與杜威十進分類法之比較
Eleanor S. Y. Lo 羅淑懿
7 pages
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